Animation, 2018
Time: 3:04
Directors and Animators: Larry Shuen, Ron Yakir, Weijiang She, Yan Cheng
Sound Design: Larry ShuenDirectors and Animators: Larry Shuen, Ron Yakir, Weijiang She, Yan Cheng
Sound Design: Larry ShuenDirectors and Animators: Larry Shuen, Ron Yakir, Weijiang She, Yan Cheng
Sound Design: Larry Shuen
We started with real-world objects. We chose objects that are by their nature ambiguous. On the one hand, they reflect light as all objects do, but on the other hand, they also emit light like virtual objects on a monitor do. We then made them move digitally as if natural forces were influencing them. These became themes, of which we made more abstract variations.
Screenings/ Selections:
Relentless Melt No. 10: Year of the Bore|Hong Kong|23 Jan 2019 > (
Animex 2019| Uk| 13-17 May 2019> (