我要轉運! Wanna Get Better!

Members: CHENG Nga Yan , FONG Sau Fan, MAK Sui Hin, WONG Pok Tung Ray, WONG Wing Lam (1 st ver), Cynthia Wun (Siu Fei) (2nd ver)

“西洋占星學中,水星逆行期間或會「諸事不順」。 表演日子正值水星逆行,我們能否以傳統打小人方式對抗,成功打走衰運?祝表演順利!”

“According to western astrology, everything probably goes badly during Mercury retrograde. Coincidentally, Mercury is retrograding on the day of our performance! Can we ward off bad luck by the traditional ritual of petty person beating (da siu yan)? Good show!”

This is a performance that is about petty person beating (Villain hitting) and bad luck event caused by the Mercury retrograde in western astrology. A machine imitating the movement of villain hitting created the sound rhythm during the performance.



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